Bhagwan Shree Swaminarayan’s elder brother was Rampratapji and younger brother was Ichchharamji. It was now about a long time since Shree Hari had left home. The brothers had tried for all these years to find out their brother, Shree Harikrishna Ghanshyam. Finally they got the news about their brother and leaving Ayodhya the two brothers accompanied by their families arrived at Loya, a small township near Gadhada.
Shree Hari made excellent arrangement for their comfortable stay at Gadhada.
By this time Swaminarayan way of life had spread far and wide. Temples were constructed at different places. Gifts to all sorts, money and ornaments were being donated by the follower whenever they visited temples and celebrated festivals.
The question of managing all such movable and immovable property arose. Shree Hari asked senior saints like Muktanandji and Gopalanandji etc. to remain in charge of all such property after his departure to Akshardam. But no saint agreed to take up such materialistic responsibility. After the bitter experience of Raghunath He feared unhealthy rivalry to be the religious head after his final departure from the world. The saints and the followers too wanted some early amicable settlement.
So Shree Hari, in the presence of all senior saints and followers made a testament. As the property as well as the number of followers was increasing two religious heads were essential to be the supreme authorities in all matters.
Thus, Raghuvirji, the son of Ichchharamji was initiated as the Acharya of the Sourthern Division of Swaminarayan Holy Fellowship on the eleventh day of month of Kartik in Samvat 1882, by Lord Swaminarayan Himself. For about four and a half years he received training for excellent management of all religious, spiritual and philosophical matters under Shree Hari.
Acharya Shree Raghuvirji was born at Amalia, a small town in Uttar Pradesh. He had studied Sanskrit well. On all matters he consulted Sadguru Gopalanand Swami, the senior most saint. When his wife died he observed the vow of absolute celibacy for the whole life. He used to meditate upon Shree Hari all the time.
One of the saints had fever for five days. When his temperature came down to normal, he felt very hungry at midnight. The kitchen was locked. The saints told about all this to Acharya Raghuvirji and requested him to provide some millet-flour for making thick bread.
Acharya Raghuvirji got the kitchen opened and adding salt and spices himself prepared the bread and fed the sick saint with great love.
Once while he was crossing the river Mahi, there was a sudden-flood. The strong currents swayed him farther and farther. Assuming divine form, Shree Hari with the boat rushed to him and left him on the bank of the river.
He wrote Durgapur Mahatmyam in Sanskrit (translated later on in Gujarati by Swami Shree Bhaktipriyadasji). During his life-time Swaminarayan temples were constructed at Karali, Bharuch, Surat, Manavadar etc. where the Murtis were installed by him.
The followers look upon him as an incarnation of Lord Rama. The book – ‘Raghuvirji Maharajni Varta’ is published about what he did and said. He served as Acharya for thirty-seven years and six months and leaving his holy name behind for ever he departed from this world on the second day of the bright half of the month of Magha for AKSHARDHAN in Samvat 1918.